Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Arrival of Baby

On 25th Feb, mild contraction started which gradually changed its intensity. My midwife came to visit me on 26th feb, did an internal examination and unfortunatley my cervix hadn't started to dilate. She again came in the evening and the findings were still the same. It was getting quiet frustrating for me as the pain was getting severe and the frequency of contractions had increased but still the cervix dilation didn't start. I was really lucky as my husband was thoroughly with me during those contractions. He was helding my hand and used to start counting whenever the contractions used to start.

On 27th morning another midwife came to visit me and she told me to focus on breathing rather than clench my fists whenever contractions start. It did help me. The best way to face contraction is to deeply inhale, and feel the air getting into your lungs and then exhale. She told me the pain is in your mind and you can easily manipulate it. By afternoon I had started vomiting and was not able to eat or drink anything. I was just putting ice cubes in my mouth to keep myself hydrated. Finally we went to birth center and there we met another midwife who was like an angel to me. The plan was to get me morphine injection so that I could get some sleep and become ready for final labor. At 8 pm , morphine was injected to me and by 12 am I was up again. And then the severe contraction started and I felt like doing a poo everytime it came.

On 28th morning, doctor came to visit me and by that time my cervix was dilated by 3 cm. My water was broken and epidural was administered to me. After taking epidural I slept peacefully for 7-8 hours. Finally at 5:30 pm I started pushing and at 8:24 my little bundle of joy came out. When he was given to me, I just couldn't stop crying. That's the most precious moment of my hubbys and my life. We both looked at each other and said it feels like a sweet dream.

I named my baby "Aarav" meaning peaceful. When he first opened his eyes I felt a little angel is looking at me with so much of love. I am very thankful to my hubby for supporting me throughout. Even when I was pushing , he was thoroughly encouraging me and was actually helding my leg so that I can push.

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